
Maciunas, George

Edition (36 work / s)

Code FX0911 1/2   Edition



Published by the artist, New York:

1. "Fluxus, or Flux Atlas, Flux Books, Flux Boxes...", 1966
     Black offset on white paper, 25.5 x 28.7 cm.

2. "Fluxhouse Co-op...", 1967
     Black offset on white paper, 35.3 x 21.5 cm.
     Archived in ring binder "George Maciunas. Documents - Editions"

Exh.: 2009, Paris ; 2010, Moscow ; 2012, Chiasso.

Bibl.: "Fluxus etc.", exhibition catalogue, Cranbrook Academy of Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, 1981, p.112.

1. Fluxus

2. Fluxhouse
