Maciunas, George
Announcement (30 work / s)
Code FXM0233 1/4 Performance
Piano Piece No. 10 and Piano Piece No. 13 (1962)
- "Piano piece No. 10"
Piano is whitewashed (result shown)
- "Piano piece No. 13"
Performer nails down each key of the keyboard
starting with the lowest note and ending with the highest one
- "Piano piece No. 10 + Piano piece No. 13"
The performance consists in realize both piano pieces
Photo and text in "Tulane Drama Review", No. FXC0157
Performance's photographic and video documentation included in:
1. Fluxus intérieur 16mm 1964-1972, No. FXM0136
Piano piece No. 10 + Piano piece No. 13
Performer: Ben Vautier
Length: 00'28''
2. Festival of Fantastics, Roskilde 1985, No. FXCM0336
Piano piece No. 10 + Piano piece No. 13
Performers: Philip Corner, Ben Vautier and Ann Noel
Length: 06'58''
See also:
3. ... soudain l'été Fluxus, Paris 2009, No. FXC1763
Piano piece No. 10 + Piano piece No. 13
Video and photographic documentation
Performer: C. Dreyfus
Length: 04'09''
4. Who will live - will see, Moscow 2010, No. FXC1388
Piano piece No. 13
Photographic documentation
Performer: B. Vautier
Audio included in:
5. "Goodbye 20th Century", 1999, No. FXCM5626
George Maciunas, "Piano Piece #13 (Carpenter's Piece)
- For Nam June Paik"
Piano piece No. 13
Composed by George Maciunas
Audio CD
Length: 3'49''
Copyright © Maciunas, George, All rights reserved