
Brecht, George

Edition (37 work / s)

Code FXM0416   Performance

Symphony No.3 (1964)


Video documentation of the performance:

1. Symphony No.3 in the water (Version II) - 1964
    Realized during the "Fluxconcert" at the Kichen, N. Y., 1979
    Included in "Some Fluxus", 1991, No. FXCM0389
    Performers: P. Corner, K. Friedman, L. Miller, Y. Tone, R. Watts

2. Symphony No.3 Fluxusversion, 2004
    "Saitama Once Only Fluxus Ensemble", No. FXM0531
    Performer: Ben Patterson

3. Symphony No.3 - 1966
     Excerpt from "Fluxus at 50, 1962-2012" No. FXC9932

1. N.Y. 1979

2. Saitama 2004

3. Wiesbaden 2012
