
Maciunas, George

Artist's book (7 Schede)

Code FX0807   Announcement

Festum fluxorum. Fluxus. Musik und anti-musik das instrumentale theater


Advertising poster, feb 2 to 3, 1963
Festival at Staatliche Kunstakademie, Düsseldorf
Artistic organiser: G. Maciunas
Digital re-print 2003, on white paper, 47.5 x 23.3 cm.

Re-edition by Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, No. FXC0663 -2b

See also:
- "List of Fluxus Festivals and concerts", No. FX0452
- "Printing plate...", No. 0112E

Exh.: 2012, Chiasso.

Bibl.: "Fluxus. A Creative Revolution 1962-2012", Chiasso, 2012, p.180; "The Lunatics are on the Loose. European Fluxus Festivals 1962-1977" (edited by P. Stegmann), Down with art!, Berlin, 2012, pag. 163-181
