
Aguiar, Fernando

Edition (18 work / s)

Code PV1741 1/4   Video / Performance / Unique

A Sonnet Verbo-Voco-Visual in Three Parts


Performance at "Poesia visiva e dintorni l'ultima avanguardia"
Spoleto, June 30, 1995

1. Relics of "Visual Sonnet"
    3 mixed media on woods
    Each 200 x 135 cm. Signed
    Homage to Francesco Petrarca consisting
    of two quatrains and two tercets. A tercet went missing

2. Video
    Realized by Piero Matarrese  No. PVM0030/1
    Length: 12' 20''

3. Video frames
    42 images
    Each 13 x 18 cm.

4. Photos
    1 colored photo, 30 x 21 cm.
    4 colored photos, each 13 x 18.5 cm.

5. Explication note by the artist
    Nine printed sheets, 30 x 21 cm. each

See also Catalogue PVC0289 and Video PVCM0001

1. Relic A

Relic B

Relic C

2. Video

3. Video frames

4. Photos
