
Lora Totino, Arrigo

Periodical (3 work / s)

Code PV0975 1/3   Audio / Artist's book / Performance

Toccata in A


1. Audio, 2014
    Included in "Arrigo Lora Totino:
    Poesie sonore 1966-1984", No. PVM0247
    Length: 01'52"
2. Artist's Book, 1976
    Eight printed sheets bound with plastic spiral
    30 x 21 cm.

3. Photographic documentation, Fiumalbo, 2007
    During the festival "A Quarant'anni da Parole sui Muri"
    Nine colored photos
    See also Performance photos No. PV0960

1. Audio

2. Artist's Book

3.a Photos

3. b

3. c

3. d

3. e

3. f

3. g

3. h

