
Blaine, Julien / Fontana, Giovanni / Pignotti, Lamberto and others

Catalogue (337 work / s)


Code PVC5436   Document Collective / Catalogue Collective

La poesia visiva come arte plurisensoriale


A project by Lamberto Pignotti of series of exhibitions
in collaboration with Fondazione Berdardelli, Brescia

1. La poesia visiva come arte plurisensoriale 1
    Collective exhibition at Fondazione Berardelli, Brescia
    February, 29 - June, 5 2020
    Postponed due to Covid-19 from June, 3 - July, 31 2020
    Artists: F. Aguiar, M. Bentivoglio, J. Blaine, J. Brossa,
    G. Fontana and others

    - Catalogue
      Exhibition catalogue, Fondazione Berardelli, Brescia
      Published by Fondazione Berardelli, Brescia
      pp. 120, 21 x 20 cm.
      ISBN 9788894347838
    - Invitation card
       Printed paper, 29 x 21 cm.
    - Video documentation
      Presentation of the exhibition
      by Lamberto Pignotti
      Length: 2'04''
      Video downloaded from the Facebook
      page of Fondazione Berardelli

2. La poesia visiva come arte plurisensoriale. L'olfatto
     Collective exhibition at Fondazione Berardelli, Brescia
     November 6, 2021 - January 22, 2022
     Artists: D. Agrafiotis, U. Carrega,  L. Marcucci,
     G. Fontana and others

     - Catalogue
        Exhibition catalogue, Fondazione Berardelli, Brescia
        Published by Fondazione Berardelli, Brescia
        pp. 195, 21 x 20 cm.
       ISBN 9788894347845
     - Invitation card
        Printed paper, 29 x 21 cm.

1. Catalogue


1. Video documentation

2. Catalogue

2. Invitation
