
De Ridder, Willem

Book (1 work / s)

Code FXC1989   Announcement

Nieuwste Muziek en anti-muziek het instrumental theater


Advertising poster for the concert
at Kunstcentrum 'T Venster, Rotterdam, nov 23, 1964
Artistic organiser: W. de Ridder
Performer: W. de Ridder, E. Andersen,
Wim T. Schippers, B. Vautier and others
Digital re-print by L. Bonotto, 2002, 92.5 x 58.4 cm.

See also: "List of Fluxus Festivals and concert", No. FX0452

Exh.: 2012, Chiasso.

Bibl.: "The Lunatics are on the Loose. European Fluxus Festivals 1962-1977" (edited by P. Stegmann), Down with art!, Berlin, 2012, pag. 321-343
