
Patterson, Ben

Artist's book (2 work / s)

Code 0655   Unique

My Grand 70th Birthday Tour


1. My Grand 70th Birthday Tour, 2003
    Printed at the Fachhochschule Mainz, 16 Nov.
    Ink on paper, plastic, mixed media, 59.5 x 82.5 cm.
    Numbered 14/30 and signed
    with document of the edition, printed paper
    29.5 x 21 cm.

2. It was roses all the way!, 2006
    Office time recorder with artificial flowers, 93 x 40 cm.
    containing eighteen time cards remembering  the
    events during the Germany/Japan tour,
    22.5 x 10.5 cm., each signed.

3. Photographic documentation, No. FXPH0753
    Artist while creating the artwork.
    Colour photos, various size, by L. Bonotto.
   Archived in ring binder "photographic documentation"

See also:
Announcements No. FX0372 and "Silent Music", No. FXM0619-3

Exh.: 2010, Houston ; 2012, Wiesbaden.

Bibl.: "Benjamin Patterson. Born in the State of FLUXUS/us", Houston, 2012, p. 68 (#1); "Benjamin Patterson. Living Fluxus", Koenig Books Ltd, London, 2012, p. 79.

1. My Grand 70th Birthday Tour

1. document of the edition

2. It was roses all the way!

April 22 / 23

April 27 / May 3

May 7 / 8

May 9 / 10

May 12 / 16

May 18 / 26

May 29

May 29

May 29 / June 2

3. Ben at work

