
Kaprow, Allan

Announcement (10 Schede)

Code FXPH0027   Document

Environements at Villa Croce


1. Portfolio containing six colour photos by M. Parodi
    of the performance Environments organized by
    Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce for
    "Allan Kaprow_Art as life", Genoa
    20 x 29 cm. Signed by G. Hendricks
    Environments realized with the supervision by G. Hendricks:

    - "Out" at Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, No. FXPH0028
    - "Stockroom" at Accademia Linguistica di Belle Arti, No. FXPH1333
    - "Words" at Unimedia Modern Contemporary Art, No. FXPH0031
    - "Yard" at Università di Genova, Archivio d'Arte Contemporanea, No. FXPH0029
    - "Push and Pull", Università di Genova, Facoltà di Architettura, No. FXPH1158
    - "Fluids", Genova, Palazzo Ducale, No. FXPH0030

2. Documentation of exhibition and activity of
    Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce
    18 color sheets, printed paper, 21 x 29.5 cm

Archived in folder "Environments at Villa Croce, Genoa"

See also Announcement, No. FX0625

1. Out

1. Stockroom

1. Words

1. Yard

1. Push and Pull

1. Fluids

2. Documentation
