
Patterson, Ben

Periodical (2 Schede)

Code FXM0568   Performance

A Dozen for Carmen (1990)


Documentation of the performance during:

1. Score
     Included in "Ben Patterson. Event Scores", No. FX1148

2. "Excellent 92", Copenaghen, 1992, No. FXCM0385
    Length: 02'26"
    Video cassette
3. "Fluxus nel Veneto", Bassano del Grappa, 1995, No. FXC0177
    Length: 07'06"
    Video cassette and photographic documentation
4. "Fluxus Donacija Francesca Conza", Zagreb,1999, No. FXC0442
    Video realized by Piero Matarrese  No. PVM0030
    Length: 11'49''

See also Ben Patterson's Performances No. FX3421

Bibl.: B. Stegmayer, "Ben Patterson. Event Scores", Bonn, 2012, p. 150

1. score

2. Copenaghen 1992

3. Bassano del Grappa 1995

3. B. Patterson and Berty Skuber

4. Zagreb 1997
