
Brecht, George

Book (12 Schede)

Code FX0371 1/2   Artist's book

Nut bone. A Yamfest movie


Published by Fluxus Editions, New York
Twenty unnumbered pages, 4.5 x 7 cm.

Part of:
- "Water Yam", No. 0329E-2
- "Fluxyearbox 2", No. 0042S

Note: " could always buy Mickey Mouse flipbooks and you know how kids make stick figures on a page of a book and it moves a little when you flip the pages..." (G. Brecht, 1983)

Bibl.: J. Hendricks, "Fluxus-Codex", Detroit-New York 1988, p.207 ; H. Ruhé, "George Brecht. The Editions", Amsterdam-Verona 2005, No.B7.
