
Brecht, George

Artist's book (10 Schede)

Code FXM0641 1/2   Performance

Drip Music, Variation


Photographic documentation of the performance realized during:

1. Milano Poesia, Ansaldo, Milan, 1989, No. FXC1301
    Three b/w and colored photos by F. Garghetti  No. FXC0017
    20 x 30 cm. each. Signed
    Performers: B. Vautier, Al Hansen, G. Hendricks and K. Friedman
2. ...soudain l'été Fluxus, 2009, No. FXC1763-6
     Video documentation
     Length: 01'55"
     Performers: B. Vautier and C. Dreyfus

1. Milano Poesia

1. Milano Poesia

1. Milano Poesia

2. ...soudain l'été Fluxus
