
Maciunas, George

Artist's book (7 Schede)

Code FX0273 1/2   Periodical

Fluxfest Sale / Fluxfest Kit 2


Edited by G. Maciunas, New York.
Fluxus information such as bios of members,
scores, performance, music, programs
and list of Flux products:

1. "Fluxfest Sale" 1966
     Front of publication contains numerous Fluxus scores,
     description of scores, information on organizing a Fluxfest.
     Back containing: "Expanded Arts Diagram" No. FX0871
     B/w offset on white paper, printed on both sides,
     55 x 42.8 cm.
  a. Original version, 1966
  b. Japanese version, 2011 (edited by Gallery 360°)
     See also: Re-edition by Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, No. FXC0663 -2b
     Special print, in "Film Culture No. 43" No. FXC0930
     and a copy in "Fourre Tout No.2" No. FX1262-02

2. "Fluxfest Kit 2" 1970
a. Several fluxus newsletters, and fluxfest Sale form a
    comprehensive collection of scores of Fluxus performances.
    B/w offset on white paper, 55 x 42.8 cm.
b. Japanese version, 2016 (edited by Gallery 360°)
    55 x 43 cm.

Exh.: 2000, Bassano del Grappa ; 2009, Paris ; 2010, Moscow ; 2012, Chiasso.

Bibl.: J. Hendricks, "Fluxus Codex", Detroit-New York 1988, p. 57 ; "Sentieri Interrotti-Crisi della rappresentazione e iconoclastia nelle arti dagli anni Cinquanta alla fine del secolo", Bassano del Grappa 2000 ; "Sudain l'été Fluxus", exhibition catalogue, Passage de Retz, Paris, 2009.

1a Front

1a Back

2 Front

2 Back

2b front
