
Shiomi, Mieko

Edition (15 Schede)

Code 0594E   Edition

Endless Box


Published by Fluxus edition, New York, 1965
Wooden box containing paper boxes of smaller and
smaller sizes, wrapped in silk, 8 x 15 x 15.5 cm.
Signed and unnumbered

Exh.: 2009, Barcelona ; 2012, Chiasso ; 2015, Rome ; 2019, Ulm ; 2019, London ; 2022-2023, Milan.

Bibl.: I. Conzen, "Art Games. Die Schachteln der Fluxuskünstler", Sohm Dossier 1, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 1997, p.132 ; "Creative R'evolution-50 years of Fluxus from the Archivio Bonotto", exhibition catalogue, Barcelona, 2009 ; "Fluxus. A Creative Revolution 1962-2012", Chiasso, 2012, p. 274.
