
Spoerri, Daniel

Artist's book (6 Schede)

Code FX0212   Catalogue / Announcement

Daniel Spoerri. Le Cabinet Anatomique


1. Published by Edizioni Galleria Materia Prima
    Arts & Crafts, Venice 1997:
a. Catalogue
    Texts by C. Bertola and E. Crispolti
    Cardboard folder containing twenty-four postcards, 16 x 12 cm.
    Signed with dedication to Luigi
    See also "Daniel Spoerri. Announcements and invitation cards" No. FX1844
b. Two posters
    Colours offset on glossy paper, 100 x 70 cm.
    One dedicated to Luigi and Graziella, one dedicated to F. Conz

2. Exhibition at Emily Harvey Gallery
    New York, 2000:
a. Announcement
    May 11 - June 10, 2000
    Card, 16 x 11.5 cm.
   Included in "Emily Harvey announcements" No. FXC0656

1a. Catalogue

1b. Poster

2a. Card
