
Simonetti, Gianni-E.

Edition (16 work / s)

Code FX1686   Unique

Cum Panis - 2012


Composition with:

1. Bottle of vodka , 1982
  Containing Baltic berries,
  with label "Flux-degtinè JURGIS MAČIŪNAS Kaunas".
  Vodka distilled by the artist using a Gaggia's still
  to create hydrolats
  ø 6.5 x 29 cm

2. Bread, 2011
  Prepared and cooked with a hot stone
  according to an ancient method of 4500 years ago
  Realized during an exercise at Politecnico di Milano Bovisa
  8 x 10 x 2.5 cm

see also: "Fluxus bread", No. 0775E
